Current Position at UConn Dining Services: Baker in the UConn Dining Services Bakery
How did you get into the food industry?: I was raised in a big Italian family so cooking has always been a big part of my life. I grew up in and out of the kitchen and used to love watching cooking shows growing up so I decided food was going to be my future. I started my cooking journey at Windham Tech and that's essentially how I got my job here but continued on to Manchester Community College where I received an associates in Food Service Management.
What has been your journey at UConn Dining?: I have been working here in the bakery for about 15 years. I started as a student worker in high school for work-based learning and then ended up getting a full time spot here in college where I worked up from a kitchen assistant to the baker I am now.
What do you love about your job at UConn/UConn Dining?: Baking is so rewarding! There's nothing better than watching a fresh loaf come out of the oven. I always love trying to think up new ways to get bread out to the students and coming up with new recipes.
What do you like to do in your spare time? I'm a big foodie at heart so when I do travel, its eat and drink. Aside from that I enjoy powerlifting and practicing Muay Thai. I'm also an avid gamer and enjoy playing all types of games.
What activities or events have you enjoyed being a part of at UConn?: Some of my favorite events we participate in is the Spring Fling cake/cupcakes and setting up the Thanksgiving Pie Sale.
Fun Facts From the Bakery: We make on average about 3000lbs of pizza dough a week.