Digital Advertising & Foyer Tabling Information

Advertising your event or program on the dining hall TVs on the Storrs campus is a great way to get the word out. Thousands of students pass through the dining halls each day! Your ad is run consistently in our loop of advertisements from open to close at each dining hall. All TVs that run ads are located in the dining rooms. Advertising is only available to UConn organizations/departments or organizations that meet with UConn students on campus. Storrs campus organizations must have a U-Box number to be considered.

  • The ad size should be landscape/horizontal at 1280 pixels wide x 720 pixels high.
  • Ads must be submitted in jpg or png format. If you submit a vertical flyer/poster we will not be able to schedule your ad.
  • For best viewing in the dining halls, please make sure your ad does not include too much text or long urls; click here to learn more about colors & contrast when it comes to legibility on digital displays.
  • Our TVs are up high at most locations, QR codes may not be scannable


Days/Pricing UConn Departments UConn Student Groups
1-6 days $20 per day $15 per day
7-13 days $19 per day $14 per day
14-20 days $18 per day $13 per day
21-27 days $17 per day $12 per day
28 days or more $16 per day $11 per day

****PLEASE NOTE FOR BILLING PURPOSES**** If you are looking at a calendar and you want to run your ad from Monday, the 7th – Monday, the 14th…this is actually considered 8 days with our program. With the traditional method of reading a calendar it is seen as 7 days until the next Monday. However, for our program, your ad is run for the full day on the 7th and each day through to end of day on the 14th.

Digital Ad Policy – Please Read Before Submitting

  • Please reserve at least 3 days in advance.
  • Customers may cancel their ad at any time with no cancellation charge.
  • You will be invoiced at the beginning of the next month after your ad ends (i.e. your ad ends mid-April, you will be invoiced in early May). Payment is expected within 30 days of receiving the invoice. Payments may be made by check or KFS#.
  • Ads are limited to UConn organizations/departments or organizations that meet with UConn students on campus. Storrs Campus organizations must have a U-Box number to be considered.
  • All subject matter is subject to approval by Dining Services. Advertisements may be denied if the content is deemed inappropriate.
  • Digital ads are not available during semester breaks or during the summer.
  • Digital ads are not run on our retail tvs.
  • If you have questions before submitting this form, please send them to

Other Advertising Opportunities

Posters in the Foyers of Dining Units (Storrs campus): If a student group wants to post posters outside of the dining units, they must receive permission to do so by calling the Dining Services main office in Towers at 860-486-3128 to reserve the time and space. After making the reservation, printed posters must be dropped off at this location as well. There is no charge for this service.

Tabling in Dining Unit Foyers (Storrs campus): The Department of Dining Services allows student organizations and student clubs to utilize the foyers in the dining units for student table solicitation. If a student group wants a table, they must register with Dining Services’ main office in Towers/Wade by calling 860-486-3128. The name of the sponsoring organization must be on all advertising. Groups are not allowed to post flyers, banners, or similar advertising on walls. Groups may use existing bulletin boards if they are available. Students may not solicit credit cards or credit card applications. If the sale of baked goods etc. will be taking place then prior approval and certification must take place with the Department of Environmental Health and Services.